CrossFit Chester 06/03/2023

Firstly congratulations on your Open workout efforts. You’re all simply wonderful and have made me very proud!  We’re stripping things back before building back up with our olympic lifts over the next few weeks  A. Snatch  Paused OHS 6 x 2  Pausing...

CrossFit Chester 02/03/2023

A. 5 x 8 strict press – @ 65/70% go off feel if unsure. You should be working at a 7/10 effort on each B. Superset DDB split squats x 12 X12 Weighted reverse burpees (plates) Every 3 minutes x 4  12 ddb thrusters  6 devils press  12 burpees ...

CrossFit Chester

HAPPY ST DAVID’S DAY!!! 5 rounds:  45/38 calories  30 DB Snatches *** this movement changes each round  20 weighted box step overs (x1 DB)  10 Chest to bar pull ups  R2: 30 DB hang clean and jerks  R3: 30 OH DB lunges  R4: 30 DB OHS ...

CrossFit Chester 28/02/2023

A. SQUAT STRENGTH Front squats  3 x 2 @ 70, 75, 80% of your 1rm front squat  Back squats  2 x 6 at your 5rm back squat (build if you’re unsure of your 5rm) Into 1 x 10 @ 50 %  B. For time:  40 wall balls  30 HSPU 40 pistols  30...

CrossFit Chester 27/02/2023

A. Muscle up drills  3 sets  30s Russian dips  30s Russian press ups  1 minute Ring plank hold  1 minute Reverse weighted plank hold  30s chin over bar holds OR high ring V pull ups  Resting 2 minutes  B. 12 minutes on the clock 4...

CrossFit Chester 23/02/2023

A. Strict press 3 x 10  If you know your 1rm sets should be at 50,60,65% if you’re unsure then go off feel but build over 3  B. Superset: (x3)  6 bent over rows into a 10s midline pause  30s-1 minute headstand hold into roll out  Every 4 minutes x 4 16/14...