CrossFit Chester 10/03/2023

Jerk drives  8 x 2 – build towards your 1rm clean and jerk  B. Push jerk pauses – pause for 5 seconds in your receiving pos 5 x 1  AMRAP 3  10 Squat clean and jerks (60/40)  10 Front squats  10 Deadlifts  Rest 1  60...

CrossFit Chester 09/03/2023

Gymnastics  Butterfly pull up technique  EMOM: x 10  1: 3 /6 BFPU  2: 20s BB bent over row torso hold Toes to bar technique  EMOM x 10  1: 5 toes to bar  2: 20s pike hold WU : Hollow body banana...

CrossFit Chester 08/03/2023

PAIRS AMRAP 14 R4R  P1 completes a full round before partner 2 8 calories  4 strict HSPU  AMRAP 14  Split the reps  30 pistols  20 thrusters (60/40)  30 KBS (32/24) Time remaining  20 goblet squats  20 synchro burpees ...

CrossFit Chester 07/03/2023

A. Back squats  4 x 4 at your 5rm back squat (Build to a heavy 4r if unsure) B. 3 x 12 front rack lunges  Using 45/55% of our front squat 1rm  C. AMRAP 12  9 DDB devils press 22.5/15 12 Down ups  40 Double...