CrossFit Chester 22/03/2023

In pairs  5 rounds  80/50 – this weight should be around 70% of your max  Starts with 4 reps (+2 each round) Heavy clean and jerks  60 Wall balls  20 Pull ups  Every 5 minutes : 15/20 cals  Just to clarify  4,6,8,10,12 are...

CrossFit Chester 17/03/2023

A. Deadlifts  3 x 3 – building sets – you should be starting at 75% or a solid 7/10 effort  3 x 10 sumo deadlifts (80% of final set of A)  C. 21-15-9  Wall balls  Deadlifts (70/45) Burpees over...

CrossFit Chester 16/03/2023

A. Primer 2 sets … Barbell bent over row holds at torso x 45s  5 snatch grip push press  5 muscle snatch  B. Snatch Full snatch – if new to the move hip snatch  EMOM x 10  65% – 2 reps  E2M x 5 75% – 1 rep  E3M...

CrossFit Chester 15/03/2023

A. Strict press – 5 x 2 – go off feel today. Should feel like an 8/10 effort throughout. Build to this effort before starting your 5 sets B. 3 sets  Tempo gymnastics  3 – 6 reps  20s chin over bar hold  5 second eccentric PU  1...