CrossFit Chester 29/03/2023

A. Work on legless rope climbs for 10 minutes  B. AMRAP 5  12 Burpee box jumps  12 DB snatches  Rest 3 minutes  AMRAP 5  12 DDB box step overs  12 pull ups  rest 3 minutes  AMRAP 5  6 DDB devils press  6 Muscle...

CrossFit Chester 28/03/2023

A. Max distance D ball throw B. Rowing intervals  600m  200m 600m  200m  3 x 400s  Like we did last week use a partner rowing as your resting time 

CrossFit Chester 27/03/2023

A. Snatch balance  4 x 3 @ 55-60% of max snatch  E3M x 5  1 hang snatch 1 low hang snatch 1 OHS  Starting 65% then build  B. 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 Strict HSPU  Snatch @ 90% of your heaviest...

CrossFit Chester 24/03/2023

GYMNASTICS CONDITIONING EMOM 1: 10 pistols  2: 10 wall facing HSPU 3: 100 single unders  4: 10 x kipping PU with 2s pause chin over bar hold  5: 2 x 5s deficit press ups (using DBs or stacked plates)  6: 20s reverse plank hold  6...

CrossFit Chester 23/03/2023

A. 8 x 3 bench press – build over 8 sets until a heavy 3 reps has been reached  10 minutes on the clock  3 each leg Rebound single leg box jumps  (Jump off one with one leg back onto another with a two foot landing)  30s tuck front lever...