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CrossFit Chester 05/04/2023
Gymnastics conditioning EMOM 36 minutes (x6) 1: 10 Toes to bar 2: 19/16 calories 3: 20s hollow hold 4: 10 pull ups 5: 7 ring dips 6: resting minute
CrossFit Chester 04/04/2023
A. A. E2M for 10 minutes 5 Back squats at 70% of 5rm or 8rm 2 front squats B. 3 x 1 front squats - build on heavy legs not a max out just a heavy single B. 5 rounds for time: 200m run 40 double unders 10 press...
CrossFit Chester 03/04/2023
A. Deadlifts 6 x 4 - start set @ 65% then build 10 minutes on the clock AMRAP 2 Ladder reps (+ 4) Start with 4 reps on each section then add 4 each completed round - resting 2 minutes after each 2 minute AMRAP Thrusters (40/30) Burpees over bar AMRAP...