CrossFit Chester 13/02/2023

A. Back squats  5 x 5 – build to find a heavy 5 B. AMRAP 3  6 squat cleans (60/40) 12 deadlifts  18 burpees over bar Rest 2  AMRAP 3  18 power cleans 12 air squats  6...

CrossFit Chester 09/02/2023

A. 15 mintes  12 DDB bench  12 DDB box step ups  1 – 2 Rope climb 1 heavy Sled push  Rest if needed but try and keep things limited  B. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Burpee Box jumps (24/20) KBS...

CrossFit Chester 08/02/2023

A. Front squat 1rm  B. EMOM x 5 17/10 toes to bar  Rx: 17 Scaled: 10  Ideally big sets but does not need to be unbroken  EMOM x 10 1: banded back extensions  2: 20 Hollow rocks