Crossfit Chester 05/02/2023

A. Strict press – build to a heavy single  B. Push jerk pauses using your heaviest single  3 x 2 with a 3s pause in your receiving position  C. 3 rounds:  20 Snatches (22.5/15)  30 wall balls 40 double...

CrossFit Chester 03/01/2023

A. Front squats  3 x 2 @ 80% – no bounce front squats  Rest 2/3 minutes between sets  B. Tempo kipping drills  3 x 15s chin over bar hold into max effort kipping pull ups C. AMRAP 12 12 pull ups  12 clusters (40/30)  12 burpees over...

Crossfit Chester HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023

Happy New Year from Crossfit Chester! U P C O M I N G I N F O SUN JAN 22ND 11AM – 2PM Olympic Weightlifting Seminar The class time has moved to a slightly earlier time and as...