Crossfit Chester 12/01/2023

A. Superset 4 sets  9 rep max Bench (build to this over the 4 sets)  10 Overhead box step ups (KB, DB or plate OH)  B. 5 rounds for time:  15 Box jumps (24/20)  10 thrusters (40/30)  Stopping EMOM to complete 9 box...

CrossFit Chester 11/01/2023

A. Gymnastic strength 3 rounds  30s max strict HSPU  30s rest  30s chin over bar hold  30s rest  30s max effort strict pull ups  30s rest  B. AMRAP 20  14 SA DB devils cluster (22.5/15) 24 Pull ups  44 Calories ...

Crossfit Chester 06/01/2023

A. Clean positioning drills 5 CLEANS – 4 CLEANS – 3 CLEANS – 2 – 1 = Work on solid positioning and pauses for 3 seconds B. OPEN WORKOUT JUDGE STYLE Workout 18.2 is a couplet of dumbbell squats and bar-facing burpees. Workout 18.2a is a...