by Kelly Atkinson | Jan 18, 2023 | WOD
A. Front squats 2 x 2 @ 85% 2 x 1 @ 90% 1 x 1 @ 93% Resting 2/3 minutes between sets 3 x 10 reps @ 65% B. AMRAP 7 20 DB snatches (try and use a heavier weight than normal) 20 toes to...
by Kelly Atkinson | Jan 17, 2023 | WOD
HSPU kipping work Spending 15 minutes working on this skill & fine tuning B. 3 x strict pull ups Set 1 = 65% 2 = 60% 3 = 55% % of max effort reps Alternatively find a max effort set within each set Resting 2/3 minutes...
by Kelly Atkinson | Jan 16, 2023 | WOD
Split the reps with your partner 50-40-30-20-10 D ball cleans (ideally a heavy ball here) D ball slams (lighter ball OR heavy plate GTOH) Calories Barbell FR Lunges (50/35) Time remaining 2,4,6,8,10 (+2) Thruster ladder (P1 does 2...
by Kelly Atkinson | Jan 15, 2023 | WOD
A. Power snatch Work on positioning of low hang, hang, high hang into a receiving position pause (4s) B. Building to a heavy single rep C. 10.30 minute cap Pick an RX or Scaled time frame Every 90s OR every 2 minutes 8 Pistols 8 Pull...
by Kelly Atkinson | Jan 12, 2023 | WOD
You’ll be going over muscle ups and snatches before you take on this workout! Efficiency cycling the barbell for snatches drills and scales for gymnastics OPEN WORKOUT Workout 19.4For total time: (12 min cap) 3 rounds of: 10 snatches 12 bar-facing burpeesThen, rest...