CrossFit Chester 18/10/2022

Warm up into: Find a max effort toes to bar set  A. Back squats 5 x 5 – build to a heavy 5. First set should be completed at 70% and build from there  B. Front squats 3 x 10 @ 50% of front squat max  C. 2 rounds  2 minutes wall sit hold  30% ME toes to bar...

CrossFit Chester 17/10/2022

Snatch primer  1 snatch balance + 1 high hang snatch + 1 OHS  Staying lighter here just warming up for your snatch strength  Hang snatch  EMOM X 6 – 2 reps at 75%  Every 90s X 6 – 1 rep at 80%  6 x 1 snatch at 70,75,80,85, 85+...

CrossFit Chester 14/10/2022

Every 3 minutes  10 thrusters (40/30)  10 toes to bar  R1: 40/30  R2: 50/35  R3: 60/40 R4: 70/45 R5: 80/50  R6: 90/55 As soon as you get to a weight you’re struggling with, use the weight from the round before and aim to stay consistent...

CrossFit Chester 12/10/2022

A. 17 minute cap:  From 3 reps adding 1 rep each round until the time cap is up Weighted Strict pull ups  Strict HSPU  DDB weighted down ups  DDB box step ups  B. 2 ROUNDS  AMRAP 4  50 double unders  10 back squats @ 40% of your max ...