by Kelly Atkinson | Sep 15, 2022 | WOD
A. Jerks Consider A & B primer work with C & D being heavier loading 3 x 2 jerk balance B. 3 x 2 split jerk pauses (pause for 5 seconds on the dip) C. 4 x 2 split jerks D. 5 x 1 jerk drives (100-110%) E. 4 rounds: 60s of ME calories 30s rest 30s max effort...
by Kelly Atkinson | Sep 14, 2022 | WOD
A. 3 sets: 12 DDB Split squat jumps (6 each leg) 9 bench press 9 tempo RDLs (make the full rep take 10 seconds) Using 1 KB B. 10 minutes on Rebounding lateral jumps Scale for hurdles if you struggle with a box. Into 12...
by Kelly Atkinson | Sep 13, 2022 | WOD
A. Find a 4RM deadlift B. 4 rounds 3 minutes work 1 minute rest 30/26 Cals Max effort Snatches (40/30)
by Kelly Atkinson | Sep 12, 2022 | WOD
A. 2 rounds: (WU) 40 toes to wall flutter kicks 30 squat to side lunge 20 scap pull ups 10s handstand hold B. E.M.O.M x 5 1: 20 Wall balls 2: 6 DDB devils press 3: 10 DDB lunges 4: 10 Toes to bar 5: 200m run 6: rest 1...
by Kelly Atkinson | Sep 11, 2022 | WOD
A. Back squats 10 x 1 @ 90% of your front squat max – if you’re unsure of the % you should be working at an RPE 8/10 B. Back squats – 3 x 3 building sets C. 3 rounds: 16 burpee box jumps 16 DDB STOH 16 air...