CrossFit Chester 23/09/2022

A. Back squats  3 x 3 @ 80%  E2MOM  3 Front squats @ 75% of your front squat max + 8 box jump overs  B. 5 rounds for time  7 burpees  7 box jumps  7 DB step overs (x1 22.5/15) 

CrossFit Chester 22/09/2022

Accessories  3 sets: 1 minute Chinese plank  45s wall walk into nose to wall hold  12 Banded tempo good mornings  Build to a heavy Clean pause complex:  1 squat clean  1 paused low hang clean  1 paused hang clean  Pauses are for 4...

CrossFit Chester 21/09/2022

In Pairs  8 rounds:  16 toes to bar  16 HSPU  16 weighted box step ups (x2 DB/KB)  Partner 1: Calories M = 30 F = 25 Partner 2: must complete 200 wall balls per pair (25 is the max reps allowed before transition)  You’ll swap once partner 1...

CrossFit Chester 20/09/2022

A. Hang Snatches 3 x 3 @ 75%  2 x 2 @ 80%  2 x 2 @ 85%  1 x 1 @ 90%  1 x 1 @ 92%  B. Low hang snatches  3 x 1 @ 80% (of hang snatch) None of the sets need to be touch and go reps. Go off feel and think about quality lifting!  B....

CrossFit Chester 19/09/2022 (Bank Holiday)

Every 7 minutes x 5 29/24 Calories 12 DDB squats 12 DDB deadlifts 12 Burpees On minute 40 For as long as possible hold the EMOM: 1: 12 thrusters (40/30) 2: 20 DB snatches (22.5/15) If you struggle to stick within the EMOM cap then turn it into an AMRAP – You’ll...