by Kelly Atkinson | Jun 12, 2022 | WOD
A. Power cleans Build to a heavy single for the day then 4 x 2 using 80% AMRAP 7 21 hang cleans (40/30) 15 pistols 9 burpees over bar
by Kelly Atkinson | Jun 9, 2022 | WOD
8 x 2 strict press at 75% of your max – 1 length plate pinch walks after each set B. 2 x 2 push jerks at your 1rm strict press C. 1 x 1 push jerk heavier D. For time: 10 muscle ups / 10 pull ups + 10 dips 20 goblet squats (32/24) 40 KBS...
by Kelly Atkinson | Jun 8, 2022 | WOD
A. Deadlifts 3 x 12 @ 70% B. Power snatch positioning work into : Power snatch 8 x 1 – go off feel today building to a heavy single C. Time cap 5: Start with 1 rep then add a rep each round: Wall walks Muscle ups OR Strict C2B OR Strict...
by Kelly Atkinson | Jun 7, 2022 | WOD
Happy Birthday to my amazing soon to be husband Michael! Can’t wait to partner workout with you later ; ) In Pairs 1000m row split 600m run together 2000m bike split 600m run together 10 rounds: 6 synchro toes to bar 8 synchro...
by Kelly Atkinson | Jun 6, 2022 | WOD
A. Build to a heavy 8 rep max Hang power clean B. Using your 8rm for 4 x 1 complex: 3 deadlifts + 2 power clean + 1 hang clean C. AMRAP 14:: 14 deadlifts (70/45) 14 toes to bar 14 STOH 14...