by Kelly Atkinson | Jun 30, 2022 | WOD
A. Using your heaviest complex from last week you’ll add on a hang clean 1 squat clean 1 hang squat clean 1 front squat 1 jerk You know what weight to aim for from last weeks so see how you get on this week! B. AMRAP 3 12 thrusters (40/30) 6...
by Kelly Atkinson | Jun 29, 2022 | WOD
A. Snatch balance primer: 3 sets all lightweight 5 overhead squats 4 behind the neck press 3 high hang power snatch B. Snatch balance pauses Pause in your receiving position for 5 seconds before standing with control 6 x 1 @ + 75%...
by Kelly Atkinson | Jun 28, 2022 | WOD
The 10 rounds will be done individually – you’ll then partner up on the final AMRAP 10 rounds for time: 10 push ups 10 pull ups 10 sit ups 10 air squats Directly into AMRAP (Partner 1 may start until P2 has caught up – however...
by Kelly Atkinson | Jun 27, 2022 | WOD
A. Using your 1rm OHS for 6×2 @ 80% B. Using your 6rm deadlift for 3×5 C. 21-15-9 Wall balls Sumo deadlift high pull (40/30)
by Kelly Atkinson | Jun 26, 2022 | WOD
A. Find a heavy 5 rep Push press within 12 minutes B. Then find a 3rm strict press C. AMRAP 12 40 double unders 400m run 12 clean and jerks (60/40)