CrossFit Chester Sat

Split the reps between 3 OR 2  2 rounds:  60 Devils press x1 22.5/15 (only one works)  60 Overhead Lunges (only one works)  200m D ball carry (2 work at the same time if you’re in a 3)  1 mile weighted run. Only one weight shared between 3 or...

CrossFit Chester Olympic Lifting

Clean and jerks  Staying light today but working on positioning, ending with some squat tempo & positioning drills  Squat clean and jerk – build to a moderately heavy single without a max out in mind, move well throughout these lifts   B....

CrossFit Chester 10/03/2022

A. 5 x 1 strict press then using the heaviest single for 5 x 1 negative (push press the weight overhead then take at least 5 seconds lowering to shoulders)  B. AMRAP 4 REST 1 X 3  20 Hollow rocks  4 strict HSPU or 9 Press ups  20 DB hang clean and jerks...

CrossFit Chester 08/03/2022

A. Snatch primer 2 high hang pulls 2 power snatch 2 overhead squat B. Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes  1 Hang power snatch + 2 Hang squat snatch  Build over the sets, start with 60% of your max or 6/10 perceived effort C. 3 rounds:  5 clean and jerks (60/40) ...