CrossFit Chester 17/03/2022

A. Every 90s x 8  1 cluster (build to a heavy single) (1030) B. Work on pull ups before todays workout (10 minutes) C. 6 rounds:  6 pull ups  6 clusters (40/30)  6 Front squats 

CrossFit Chester 15/03/2022

A. 22 minute time cap:  6 ROUNDS:  12 HSPU  30 Double unders  12 Burpee box jumps  Rest 1 minute after each round  B. 6-5-4-3-2-1 Strict pull ups /or rope pull ups  Pistols (each leg)  20 V Sit...

CrossFit Chester 14/03/2022

A. Deadlifts  4 x 12 @ 70%  B. Sumo Deadlifts  5 x 2 – building to a heavy 2 C. For Time:  80 Wall balls  40 Power cleans (50/35)  20 Burpees over bar

CrossFit Chester Week of 14/03

A HUGE well done to those of you who’ve completed the Open. Involved with the online inputting or generally wanting to take part you’ve all shown great progress and determination. We know where or what we need to work on to improve but that will happen over the next...